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Old 05-08-2013, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by glynparson View Post
I see parallels between Canseco and Nash. How did that turn out? Just cause the guy has done scummy things does not mean he is not right about a lot of this stuff. Its like the kid in school that gets caught cheating then rats on all the other kids who were cheating. Dont just automatically dismiss what he says because he has done a ton of scummy things of course dont necessarily justbelieve them on face value either.
But if the kid is still cheating and ratting then what? Maybe the kid needs to get his own house in order before he snitches on others, no? Nash is brilliant but that doesn't make him clean..and it doesn't make what he says not true. It could be. But until the time he comes clean about all of his issues it will be difficult for a lot of people to take him seriously. Maybe his next article should be on what he has done in the hobby, good and bad. Now that would be a good read.
Leon Luckey
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