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Old 05-11-2013, 09:50 PM
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Duluth Eskimo Duluth Eskimo is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 2,247

Why would you even care what someone sells a piece for????

I don't remember you writing the pricing guide for pin and mirror pieces. On top of that, maybe he thinks it worth more than you. Or is it too far out to think that someone might actually disagree with your valuation of an item? Bottom line is WHO THE HELL CARES what someone else sells their items for. I have sold items to Bryan and if he can't sell it, he will often sell it back on Ebay. Sometimes even / often for a loss. I have bought items back from him for considerably less than he paid me for, but do I ever here him complain to me. NO, because you win some and you lose some. Doesn't matter either way though.

One of the BIGGEST problems with this board is that WAY too many people think they are a "know it all" and anyone who "dares" disagree with them gets bashed for having a different opinion. It's all over the place on the autograph side, but apparently it's rampant everywhere.
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