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Old 06-08-2013, 05:57 PM
GiGi GiGi is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 3

Thanks for all the replies! I am glad you enjoyed the photos! I have had the ring on my finger! Crazy!

The Shoeless Joe Jackson Museum is here in Greenville, SC. The museum is actually his home where he lived and died. It was moved 3 miles from its original location to be directly across the street from our minor league team, the Greenville Drive (Red Sox affiliate).

They wanted to name the team the 'Greenville Joe's' but MLB said, "No", since Joe is still on the ineligible list. We're trying to change that at the museum! We consider the museum "Ground Zero" for that mission! So much to his story that people don't know! He played outlaw ball after being kicked out of pro ball and made much more money that way! Comiskey was a tight wad. In fact, the name the 'Black Sox' came from the team's refusal to pay .25 per game to launder their uniforms. They refused, so their white uniforms were black by the end of the season - hence the name!

Any Joe ?'s you may have, you are free to ask! Our museum is on FB also. I run the page along with the curator of the museum! Fun stuff!
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