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Old 08-15-2013, 12:54 PM
thenavarro thenavarro is offline
Mike Navarro
Join Date: May 2009
Location: The Great State of Texas
Posts: 975

Originally Posted by CollectiblesNJ View Post
Looks like a John Olson to me.
I thought on those, that the 3rd downstroke of the M usually came down past the 2nd stroke and basically equally with the 1st, and then then the "uhammad" would begin at the lowest portion of the 3rd downstroke of the M, which was equally as low as the first downstroke. In authentic Ali's, the uhammad begins higher up in proportion to the 1st downstroke of the M, like the one pictured on my glove in this thread.

At least that's the general "tell" that I've always been told on how to quickly identify fake Ali's.

If it turns out to be fake, I shouldn't have any issue getting my funds back as I bought it from a guy I've been dealing with intermiittently for years, Todd Mueller from Todd Mueller Autographs.

I went ahead and purchased it Sunday night after not seeing any replies to my thread, as I deduced, perhaps incorrectly, that if it was questionable or fake, some of the knowledgeable boxing members, whom always purport to have the best interest of the boxing hobby in mind, even if they don't like me personally, IF they had seen the thread, would have called it out quickly and vehemently like they do with other boxing items that other auction houses list. (sorry for the long run on sentence, my grammar skills might be on par with my deduction skills)

When I have time I'll contact Sean from the Ali autograph web study site and see what he thinks.


Last edited by thenavarro; 08-15-2013 at 12:58 PM.
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