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Old 09-05-2013, 11:31 AM
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docpatlv docpatlv is offline
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Default 1910 Nap Lajoie Supplement

A couple of months ago, there was a local "paper" show. I went as usual hoping to purchase some cards to add to the collection. There typically isn't a huge selection of pre-war cards, but in the past I have purchased S74s, T205s and T206s, cigarette boxes and even an N43.

At the last show I was getting a little discouraged as I couldn't really find anything to add to the collection. In an attempt to avoid making any regrettable purchases, I decided to just high-tail it out of there. Before I left, I went back to a table which had the only item that had sparked any interest in me. I don't collect a lot of supplements, but felt this was a good addition. Had never seen this particular supplement before and after some research was unable to find another.

Feel free to post any supplements in your collection. I feel there are some decent bargains with supplements and think they display nicely.

Here's the supplement I purchased. 1910 This Week In Cleveland Nap Lajoie Supplement...

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