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Old 09-14-2013, 11:51 PM
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Mike Mattsey
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Sacramento
Posts: 632

Originally Posted by stewbacca View Post
Does anyone have a history on these two names? I see there are 8 of them for sale in the T206 BST section and I also have a pile of them myself. I am picturing two brothers who collected these as kids and didn't want each other stealing their cards so they rubber stamped them with their names. Probably not any famous names in particular, but it would be cool to find out anything about them as I continue my quest for the T206 and keep coming across their names.

After reading Al's wonderful post, I looked up Ernest & William Born on The boys, according to the 1910 census, were 5 and 3 that year. That means that the boys likely were getting the cards from their father, at least at the start. My dad gave me his 59 Topps when I was a boy to get me started, and it looks like maybe the Born boys' father did the same.
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