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Old 09-16-2013, 08:02 AM
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appreciate you took the time. I'm going to take quite a hit I suppose as I paid significantly more than 30.00 and that was 20 years ago. The baseball hobby had a different focus back then and I suppose I did as well. Accepting I was gonna take a loss - maybe 10 years ago I accepted an offer of 125.00 for the McGuire card and the guy actually DIED before we finished.....
The 300 cards were wrapped in some kind of waxy cellophane and the white card (nothing on the back) was on top. My friend had 2 and I bought one a year or so after he bought them. The cello subsequently came apart. I don't think these were cut from sheets outside the factory but it's plausible given how they were packaged. I thought there were other differences but I'll have to check against one other regular card from the set.
I have CRS which makes it convenient when I have to take a pounding on money better spent as will happen from time to time. I understand I may lose money on what I collect - but I've learned to buy what I like and stay away from things that would only serve as "spectulative investments". The 300 cards are headed for fleabay along with some other accumulated "newer" cards that I once acquired for mostly the wrong reasons. Giving them away but at least I'll have more room for other stuff!

sometimes life gives you the test and then the lesson........
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