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Old 10-20-2013, 05:46 PM
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ElCabron ElCabron is offline
Ryan Christoff
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 449

Any chance the whiners who are so concerned about Dan's "huge collection" can shut the hell up and not be so obsessed about what he does or doesn't do? The fact that he's built a great collection seems to offend some of you, and your collection envy slips out into posts on a somewhat regular basis. Maybe one solution would be keeping a better focus on your own collection instead of Dan's and maybe someday it might grow to be as big as Dan's. Think of it as baseball card Viagra.

Also, as soon as someone buys one of Dan's ebay listings and doesn't receive the item, or doesn't receive it in a timely manner, it might be worthy of a post. Until then, you're just making a strong argument that "haters gonna hate."

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