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Old 10-23-2013, 07:27 AM
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Ja,mie B.
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 662

Another problem with the "Dear Son of God" theory is that all these names, McGeachy, McKee, McGee, McGreachery, McGraw, McCray... that are all variant spellings and corruptions of the same name, which was "crea" which meant God in Gaelic. The word stems from the Greek "Gaia" (pronounced Gay-ah). Gaia also have variant spellings such as Graia, Gaea, etc. The trouble is that these spellings are transliterations. So if someone were to misspell the name McGeachy, it will almost invariably still mean Son of God since that is spelled in so many different ways.

As far as the part of whether White as the mgr. of Indy is a joke, as I was writing earlier, it must have been a case of mistaken identity. That the cabinet doesn't have White's name inscribed is very strong evidence, along with the very short print run, that this card is the mother of all error cards. Someone must have thought he was Jack McGeachy. I believe that McGeachy was the player/manager of Indy for a tad. Someone must have assumed that McGeachy was old and that the White photo was McGeachy.

Another reason for this is that in spite of the fact that we view these players faces all the time, media wasn't so prevalent back then. A players face may have been published in the newspaper once a year. It's not like modern times where we are bombarded with images.

So, in retrospect, I am pretty sure I was wrong in my theory in just about every way imaginable, and the card is an error card. I know that I have changed my mind a few times now, but as new information arises, it must be integrated. Thank you for everyone who participated in this thread, and in fact I think the story of this card is only enhanced by this thread and that this card is the mother of all error cards.
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