Thread: Newest Hofers
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Old 01-08-2014, 02:03 PM
dgo71 dgo71 is offline
Derek 0u3ll3tt3
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 1,234

Glavine had more 20-win seasons, 2 CY Awards and postseasons, and hit 300 wins. So he's easily better than Mussina, although I believe Moose is deserving as well.

Those 2 votes for Biggio are a travesty. I heard on XM this morning that there were two voters (Murray Chass and one other) who changed their minds on Biggio and did not vote for him because people had called them SPECULATING that Biggio used PED's. He never once failed a test, wasn't implicated, his name wasn't on any list, nothing. But people can call voters with nothing more than their unfounded opinion and sway their decision. I get it, it's a democracy, but that to me is especially painful. Biggio should have been in the HOF already.
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