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Old 01-08-2014, 07:12 PM
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Duluth Eskimo Duluth Eskimo is offline
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Originally Posted by jgmp123 View Post
It actually looks like this guy is a pretty stand-up police officer, so I really hope that this just comes down to him being too busy to send things out on time.
Please do not compare this thief to a "stand up police officer". He is a thief and has been scamming people for some time. To do desacrates the honor of every hard working police officer nationwide.

I am the one that email Leon and said this guy is selling bad stuff and needs to go. I also am the one who put him on blast last month when he was trying to sell those signed 55 All Americans. I hope you get your money back as this guy took money from me too. He is a thief and it was immediately apparent after the Honus Wagner "scrapbook find" and the BS story behind it
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