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Old 01-26-2014, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by EvilKing00 View Post
Speaking for myself, someone who collected cards since I was a kid in the 80's and 90's. If someone asked me when I was 18-29 if I was interested in collecting pre-war cards I would flat out say no. I had all to do, in finishing school, working a full time job, paying my rent and expenses, going out to bars and hanging out with girlfriends. And on the occasion pick my self up a few maddux and Griffey rookie cards, and throw then im my shoe box.

But as I got older, got married, had a kid, settled down, make more money I have time for a true hobby, cause im not distracted by being a young crazy "kid".

Collectors will allways be around, and always want the, old or older stuff. Weather its furnature, cars, advertising or baseball cards. It just takes the collector some time to mature, in my case.

Im 39 and have only just begun collecting, babe ruth and t205 cards last year. Not because I had no interest.... I just didn't have the funds or the time.

What the heck else is a 40 plus guy gonna do with his pocket money?
You and I sound like we're in approximately the same boat. I turn 40 in November, collected in the 90's, and thought it was all lost when I had to start working instead of cashing in on my Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa RC's. I walked away from the hobby for about 10 years until I caught the bug again, and now there's no going back.

I'll be the first to admit I'm a flipper, the kind I've heard people on this board generally don't care for but working in the field of education and with a two year old son and wife at home that's the name of my game. I buy to turn over, while also buying for my own personal and have absolutely no shame in what I do because its the only way I can finance the hobby.

One way we can all keep this hobby alive and thriving is sharing it with our children. I cant wait to see whether my son Jaxson takes an interest in the hobby or not. I plan to introduce it to him by giving him a choice of cards every year on his birthday and letting him chose which card he wants based on him researching the players and letting me know why it's the card he wants to add to his collection that year. As soon as he starts selling quality cards for video games I'm sure I'll be re-thinking this idea!

Last edited by Gobucsmagic74; 01-26-2014 at 05:57 PM.
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