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Old 02-17-2014, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by jiw98 View Post
Jeter's current ranking among HOF shortstops:

#1 Runs, #2 Hits(99 behind Wagner), #3 HR, T3 BA, #7 RBI, #3 in fielding %.
JMO but I don't see over rated at all.
Seriously! As I'd mentioned earlier, his stats are damn good.. Yet people always seem to overlook that, regardless of which side of the overrated argument you're on. He did little bit of everything (like a Kevin Garnett, Jason Kidd), and on top of that had an incredible intangible "it" factor. I don't care how much statisticians crunch numbers and WARs and VORPs (whatever the hell that is), "it" means a hell of a lot and you see that in any team sport. "It" leads from the front and keeps larger egos in check, "it" always does the right thing and says the right thing at the right times, "it" somehow always finds a way to make the play even if unconventionally (see Jer Giambi play), "it" makes others believers, "it" does more to win than most people give it credit for (seeing the 3rd base thread kills me because I think the "it" is generally ignored in the era of basement statisticians).

Jeter is an all timer, no question.
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