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Old 02-21-2014, 02:54 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: South Dakota
Posts: 9,953

It has taken a CC to rent a car since 1999 for sure. I have one of those horror stories to tell also. I was one of those fools who in 1999 bought tickets to the Cubs at St Louis series. The last 3 games of the year for $800 a ticket. Remember the anticipation of those two(Sosa/McGwire) ending the season against each other when they were both on pace to hit over 70 homers.

I reserved a car at the airport in St. Louis with my Debit Card. When my flight arrived they said I needed a CC or I could not get the car. Well no credit card no car.

I got really lucky and one of the other places rented me a car so it seemed all was well. It was till the last day on the way to the stadium a guy pulls out of the Department of Social Services and T-Bones me. Rental agency had to deliver a new car on a trailer and haul the old one away.

Fun Times. It was even better when the rental agency wanted me to pay for the car because the guy that T-Boned me did not have insurance.

Last edited by bnorth; 02-22-2014 at 07:51 AM.
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