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Old 03-14-2014, 10:25 PM
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Originally Posted by novakjr View Post
Check out Kiss,Kiss,Bang,Bang. It might just save RDJr for you. Absolutely great flick...

People I hate....Hmmm. Yeah, musically, just about most current acts...Scott Stapp comes to mind first and foremost though. Absolutely love Creed, however he's grown into a vocal caricature of his old self...He caught a few things that worked, then suddenly overdid it, to the point where he sounds ridiculous(the rest of the band still sounds great though)... Newer Metallica also bugs me. Just comes off as forced to me..

Actor-wise. I'd say, I hate Val Kilmer, despite the fact that I LOVE most movies he's been in. Dude just annoys me, but has chosen some great roles over the course of his career. Tom Cruise also bugs me, possibly to the point, where I can't even enjoy his movies anymore..
This entire post would have made perfect sense 15 years ago when all of the above mentioned were actually relevant. No offense, just an observation. Also what's with all the Green Day hate (not you novakjr, just in general)? Kei$ha, Bieber, Miley are obvious choices. I'd add the geek from Big Bang Theory and Kevin Hart (he tries soooo hard and is just not funny) for me.

Last edited by Gobucsmagic74; 03-14-2014 at 10:33 PM.
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