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Old 03-27-2014, 11:55 AM
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Chris Browne
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Calgary
Posts: 3,740

This is likely the case Scott.

The scraps knowns as the "yellow browns" are a group of 34 cards (including Magee) that we see grouped together across many 460 brands. I believe the finished sheets of these 34 cards were printed as F30 but never cut and packed up, they were sent over to the OP print press first.

One/two of those sheets was thrown out before all the front ink layers were applied and the back F42 OP, giving us the yellow brown scraps.

It's also likely one/two finished sheets also never hit the OP press and we get natural F30s that weren't intended to be packed up.

Here is a yellow brown Magee with a F30 back.

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