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Old 06-04-2014, 09:38 AM
Deertick Deertick is offline
Jim M.arinari
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Where Forgeries Abound, FL
Posts: 1,465

Originally Posted by thecatspajamas View Post
Very cool seeing the process in detail. What some may find tedious and over-informative, others (myself included) enjoy for the abundance of information and insight that it gives into the process. I can't wait to see the whole thing laid out, so that I can just follow along step-by-step and start producing my own Kreindler knock-off paintings!
I'd much rather see a step-by-step documentation of the process.

I can't stand when a cooking show throws a non-disclosed amount of ingredients into a bowl and the next thing you see is them eating a soufflé.
Or a DIY show on building a deck, jumps from pouring footings to " and then just add the stairs and railings and enjoy your new deck".
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