Thread: 2014 world cup
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Old 06-09-2014, 02:52 AM
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Martin Parker
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Bedford, England
Posts: 184

Originally Posted by Ulidia View Post
Sorry for your loss. Clearly puts sport into perspective.

I look at the England team and find it difficult to see them progressing far in the tournament. That said, the lower level of expectation can only help them this time around. Here in London, there doesn't seem to be quite the same level of excitement as for previous World Cups.

As a neutral, it's interesting to see if Brazil can deal with the pressure of being hosts and exorcise the ghosts of 1950. It's an open tournament with both Spain and Germany having the potential to become the first European side to win the trophy outside of Europe.
Thank you for the kind words Ciaran!

I think England will struggle in defense. I'm a Liverpool fan and cannot see what Johnson offers apart from vulnerability (for club too). There is a chance England may get into some high scoring games - I think the firepower is good. At least the media aren't expecting a victory this time = so much less pressure on the players.

I'd suggest it is one from five teams that will win - Brazil, Spain, Germany, Argentina or Holland.

We'll see though!

Originally Posted by howard38 View Post
So sad. I hope your wife is doing well.
Howard - thank you for the kind thoughts and consideration.

Hugo is our first child and we've been told there are risks to Mum's health from the HELLP Syndrome (it is basically pre-enclampsia on steroids to use a sports analogy) if we are to try again. Lots of counselling and support will be needed. We do feel blessed to have spent 5 weeks with our super little boy though. There are so many other babies in the cemetry that were stillborn - so sad.

I talk to Hugo's spirit and will fill him in on all the games!
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