Thread: 2014 world cup
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Old 06-10-2014, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by djson1 View Post
Kind of tired to always see the same powerhouse countries advance. It would be nice to have some Cinderella stories with an up n coming nation sneak into the round of 4.
My nation is Northern Ireland and, whilst we never made it through to the last 4, I grew up as a child with fantastic memories of our time in the 1982 and 1986 World Cup finals - in particular, our 1-0 victory against hosts Spain in the 1982 finals. I was just approaching 7 at the time but the game will forever be in my mind.

As a very small nation, undergoing civil strife, we were the cinderella story that year.

I was back at my family home last weekend and came across my Northern Ireland - World Cup Mexico 1986 scarf. I brought it back to London with me and it will accompany me to my next international game (Hungary vs Northern Ireland in Budapest in September).

Not sure who the cinderella team will be in Brazil.
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