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Old 06-17-2014, 12:53 AM
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teetwoohsix teetwoohsix is offline
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Originally Posted by jandr272 View Post
Do you have any sources to back this up? The majority of police deaths are actually vehicular, followed by handguns.

No-knock warrants are Gestapo tactics, and cops in military gear with fully automatic weapons, flashbangs and armored vehicles are the sign of an overbearing government, not advances in technology. A quick search of google will come up with more incidents of cops screwing up no-knock raids than getting hurt in them. Things like throwing a flashbang in a toddler's playpen and burning 70% of his body, killing beloved family pets, etc. The justification for most no-knock warrants? The subject they are trying to serve is "known to carry weapons" or it is a drug charge.
+1 agreed here. What used to be something that they did on a rare occasion years ago, has now become the norm. What you cited about the flashbang in the toddler's playpen was horrific, and I saw the pictures. I think the baby was something like 19 months old, and the burns were so bad they had to put the baby in a medically induced coma. The poor baby's face was burnt almost completely. Why did this happen? Because a confidential informant bought some meth from a family member OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE. No knock raids should be outlawed. But, the arrest is the number one priority and screw everything else. Time to high five each other for another "bust"! What a rush, huh?

What's wrong with waiting for the subject to walk out of the home and arrest him? If they have proof he sold to an informant, and that was enough to get a warrant, why not kick back and wait for him to come outside, rather than terrorize a whole family?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this, thanks for your post.

Sincerely, Clayton
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