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Old 06-17-2014, 01:36 AM
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Originally Posted by jhs5120 View Post
Personally, I liked your original unedited post much better

I guess I'm a little bias because I have friends in the force. I have no problem with police forces using recycled military gear (it's better than Bush selling them to Sadam Hussein). I think the best quote of the article is this:

Unfortunately it's easier to get an assault rifle than cough syrup in some states and police are the ones suffering the consequences. If I were to put my life on the line each day I'd probably push towards better gear. Wouldn't you? That's a serious question Clayton. If you were a police officer and you had the opportunity to better protect yourself, would you? I know I would. I would grab as many assault rifles, MRAPs, tanks, grenade launchers and whatever I can get my hands on.
Thanks Jason, I edited it out because after reading it over again in the morning I felt like "what's the use". I could fill up pages of what I feel is wrong with this Country, but unless people are aware of the things I'm talking about-it doesn't resonate.

To answer your question though- it is a much deeper situation than police wanting better gear. But, we are going beyond just "better gear", we are bringing the military structure to the police force-from the dress, to the vehicles, to the weapons, to the tactics.......I'm sorry, but I don't want to live in the "new war zone". I look at it this way. These police voluntarily signed up to do this job. They chose it as a career path. They are choosing to put their lives on the line for a paycheck. The same way I drove public transportation for years. Guess what? I drove through the worst areas in this city every night I worked-putting my life on the line- with NO WEAPON AT ALL. You don't think I had to deal with hostile drunks, people tweaked out on who knows what, fights, child abuse, elder abuse, gang bangers in droves? But- it's called "communication skills". I treated people with respect, and for the most part, got it in return. Sure, I had situations that I had to quell (quite often).....but it's called "reasoning" instead of "force".

I know driving a bus is not the same as being a cop, but I dealt with the public just the same. We were trained to handle situations without needing weapons.

You think a militarized police force is a ridiculous issue, but I don't think you see the whole picture here. Look up NDAA 2012 Section 1021 & 1022. Look how they are killing people who are unarmed left and right-and always getting away with it by saying " the officer was in fear of his/her life" and being put on PAID LEAVE-just to be cleared. If these cops want to be the leaders of the community, then hold them accountable when they murder an innocent victim. They should be held to a higher standard-you kill an unarmed innocent civilian, 25 to life. I bet the abuse would end quick. Independent review of the case by a body of the public they are serving. Same goes for politicians. They should be held to a higher standard, and if they abuse their power they go to prison, end of story.

Because the public sees what they get away with, police and politicians, they lose faith in the system and there's no trust. Social decay. People who don't even break the law are afraid of police. This is why militarizing them does nothing more create an atmosphere of hostility and fear-just the way the politicians want it.

End the war on drugs,,,,,,,,,that is (in my opinion) a way to start healing this nation. Let adults be adults and make their own decisions on what they want to put in their bodies. If they aren't harming anyone else, give them the freedom to choose.Prohibition does not work-proven fact. If they commit crimes because of their drug use(like burglary, robbery, car jacking, etc.), lock them up. Simple. Because, regardless, people are still and always will use drugs. And, I am NOT promoting drug use, just trying to use common sense. Locking people in cages and giving them felonies over a $20.00 bag of cocaine is absurd. That felony means that 75% of his/her job opportunities are gone. Addicts do recover and become productive- why limit their ambitions if they clean up their lives?

Lastly, I want every police officer to make it home safely every night. Just like I want every human to make it home safely every night.After all, we are all Americans, right?

Sincerely, Clayton
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