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Old 09-13-2014, 12:27 AM
abothebear abothebear is offline
George E.
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Posts: 644

1st card: Your absolute favorite card
These two cards are what got me into pre-ward cards. So I suppose that qualifies them for this spot.

 photo R313AMedwick_zpsd87bf407.jpg

 photo Cobb1913.jpg

2nd card: A card that has sentimental value to you

This was the prize of my collection when I was a kid. I sold mine, probably at its peak, back in '94, the only card from that era of collecting I made money on but I was sad to see it go. I picked up a new one when I got back into collecting a few years ago.

 photo scan0009.jpg

3rd card: Your favorite card with a value of less than $50

I have owned this card twice, and will probably own it again someday... for a short while. When I bought it the value was way less than $50. But It has grown in value since then and is nearly priceless now.

 photo IMG_1244.jpg

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