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Old 09-18-2014, 08:20 PM
Kid Poker Kid Poker is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 15


Wanted to provide an update. Thank you to all fellow card collectors who have lead me to some of my cards or have returned some. I am not quite sure exactly what came back as of yet but I was told that have been documented and pictures will be emailed over to me. The cards won't be back home until after investigation and who knows how long that will be but I guess the cards are in a safer place then back in my possession. Knowing how difficult it is for everyone who purchased the cards not knowing they were stolen I commend you for your honesty and integrity while deeply sympathize for your monetary loss. Once the dust settles I will reach out to everyone and return any retribution I can whether it be covering up a portion of your losses or sending out cards that I still have to help.

As far as the crooks I can tell you one of them have been caught and charged. I can't go into details as of yet but I have new utter respect for law enforcement as well as every government agency that server to protect us. They have literally bent over backwards on this case returning/picking calls late into the night, drove thousands of miles as well as put my family is special protective watch. I have a couple of them on speed dial and we chat more then with my own wife.

It is amazing how some of these cards quickly spread from Chicago to Florida in less then a weeks time frame. I was told the criminals took a road trip immediately and start selling them in portions to avoid looking suspicious. There is still so much unaccounted for but I'm optimistic they will show up and hopefully returning back to daddy. I will update and working on a website with detailed info on every stolen cards. This will come off really cliché but after just being in a state of shock for the past few weeks I finally have realized how fortunate I am to be alive,surrounded by great people and to live every day as if it might be my last..
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