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Old 10-12-2014, 07:32 PM
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Tom Re.bert
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 844

Originally Posted by Lordstan View Post
Finally! I am so glad that you will stop posting on this.
To present the facts, I will summarize.
First, there is nothing, and I do mean nothing , in that photo to suggest it is from Dubuque. Even more obvious is that there is nothing to suggest the players pictured are all on the same team. These facts make all your timeline points about who lived where and when totally meaningless with regard to this photo.
Second is that the facial features don't match Comiskey. This is not only my opinion. This fact has been proven by the person considered the foremost expert on facial identification. Apparently in your house research means polling 15 women and having them agree. I wouldn't bring Missouri into it as I am sure there are many people there, outside of your home, that realize what real research looks like. The entire world calls what you have done with this photo stupidity.
Please notice that I didn't call you stupid. I am calling your entire thought process, rationale, and refusal to accept the facts stupid.
Good bye. I can't wait for the SABR article that will shine a light on what this photo is and is not.
Here he goes again--the loose cannon who doesn't have a clue what he's talking about, you would think he owns the photo?-- OK Sir; Why don't you think the photo isn't from Dubuque?

Second I see nine players in a baseball uniform, so I guess you see a couple football or may be tennis players--does this guy know what a baseball team looks like?

Third--another expert told me the contrary--I sure wouldn't want your opinion one whom doesn't seem know what a baseball team looks like?--

If the entire hobby world is watching. about time--I have been asking for this 25 years.---What if I'm right?
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