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Old 10-12-2014, 09:11 PM
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bmarlowe1 bmarlowe1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Directly View Post
Third--another expert told me the contrary--
Who is this expert and why is he hiding? What is he afraid of?

And why won't you (or your "expert") respond to post #97? In a few words it makes a good case that you have no competence in any of this. I'll repeat it here for your convenience:
So - what happened to all the other names you had for such a long time on your photo? On 9-25 you changed Rowe to Laurie Reis and Cliff Carroll to Alveretta. I thought you stand by your "insight without reservation." And now, you've taken all the names away except Comiskey. If you won't stand by your previous IDs, why should anyone think you have any idea how to ID Comiskey?

It's a simple question. Apparently you (and your expert) have no answer. Your silence speaks volumes.

Last edited by bmarlowe1; 10-12-2014 at 11:43 PM. Reason: grammar
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