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Old 12-11-2014, 09:43 AM
packs packs is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 8,471

Personally I think the Dodgers have made the right moves:

Dee Gordon had a good season but that might be his only good season. They basically traded him for Howie Kendrick, who I think is a far superior player, though is a free agent after next season. Even if he walks, they still have Alex Guerrero.

Kemp is finished. Even with his year last year, I don't see him ever living up to his contract. Grandal is better than AJ Ellis and at a small price.

Red Sox

Have no idea what they're doing. Porcello is a guy who strikes out no one and gives up a ton of hits. That leaves very little margin for error. I would not want him.


Heyward move looks like the right move. They had no faith in him despite his age. Shelby Miller has been up and down too, but unlike Heyward I think he is trending up.
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