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Old 01-24-2015, 07:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Ladder7 View Post
When did we start relying on our honorable, unbiased press to determine guilt. I must have not been paying attention in class. Mistakenly, I believed the country I grew up in, is committed to a trial before ruling on guilt. Until then, the appropriate punishment be dished out.
What country have you been living in? I could list examples all day, but I'll just post the most obvious, the situation that Penn State football has just gone through. There's no innocent until proven guilty. There is no requirement of proof of guilt beyond any standard.

If you live in the USA, then you obviously weren't paying attention in class. Those standards only apply to our criminal justice system. Any where else those standards do not apply. You must be living under a rock or never watch or read the news, because people are convicted in the court of public and punishments applied regularly. I am amazed that someone living in this country could post the above, but then this is the internet.
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