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Old 01-24-2015, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by steve B View Post
Interesting discussion.

Here's where I'm at on it.

I'd still like to know if the process used to check pre-game was simply handling the balls as the former ballboy from another team said. Or if decently accurate equipment was used.

Today I read an article about a science guys take on it. And I think he may have the answer. The one I posted earlier about the pressure reducing from temperature was based on going from around 70 degrees to around 50. (Gametime temp was low 50's and settled into the upper 40's by the end of the game NOT the drastic change claimed. ) The scientist basically said the same thing. Except that he added that the rules didn't mention a temperature, making the rule vague. He went on to say that if the balls were inflated in for instance the sauna the temperature difference between then and the field was easily large enough to make the difference. And that because the rules don't state a temperature it would probably be legal. Not particularly honest, but within the rules.

Do I think the team had someone deflate the balls in front of both teams, the press, officials, and anyone else in the stadium? Not really. Do I think the Pats might have inflated them in a hot environment knowing they'd be under by gametime? Yeah, that I can see happening.

And that IS a bit shady. But also within the current rules as they're written.

I think Scott was pretty accurate in his earlier reply to me. We'll have to wait for the NFL to figure out what went on. I think the team will be found to have done something and will probably be heavily fined even if what was done violates the spirit of the rule but didn't actually violate it as written.

I also think the rules will be changed in the offseason. Maybe each team will provide half the balls scuffed and the refs will do the inflating and someone will exercise tighter control over them. Maybe the league will provide the balls so everyone will be using the same ball. And specifying a temperature range should be part of the rule.
I forget if I mentioned it here or in the other thread, but at the very least they'll probably put tamper evident seals over the valve.

Or we can all join PG and get out the torches and pitchforks before we really know what happened. Unless somehow he does actually know what happened. With such omniscience I'd head to Vegas instead of hanging out here. A few hours and I'd have a lot more card money

Steve B
I think we'd all like whatever you are smoking.
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