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Old 01-25-2015, 06:38 AM
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Originally Posted by itjclarke View Post
I think he was smoking some solid logic
Take off your tin foil hat.

At least there's a bit of reality in your post . THE NFL Has Caught THE Patriots cheating again and they have leaked the story to gauge public reaction before they decide what to do. They don't want another Ray Rice black eye where they try to sweep this under the rug.

The nfl already did that once during Spygate where they destroyed the evidence without making it public. The bottom line is that the Patriots season will be tainted because of this and Brady and Belichick's legacy will be that of cheating.

Your conspiracy theory is ridiculous. It doesn't account for the one Pat ball and 12 Colts balls that were not underinflated. How can the Pats have 11 balls be 2 psi under and the other 13 balls not? How can this have never been an issue in below zero games, but is in a 50 degree game? All the junk science can't explain this away. The laws of science apply uniformly. The Pats don't have magic balls that perform differently than the other 31 nfl teams.
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