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Old 01-31-2015, 09:53 AM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
Belltown Vintage
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Originally Posted by arc2q View Post
Most of these players (Lynch aside) will never become rich regardless of public perception. They are subject to a merciless system that can put them out of work on a moments notice with no recourse. The idea that they are even obligated by the language of their contracts is even fallacious as the team's frequently renege on contracts and cut the players with no compensation. Many players train year after year and attend months of training camps and barely get paid when they don't make a roster. Not that I have a lot of sympathy; they're playing a game after all. But I fail to understand the sacrosanct nature of the media clause of their contracts.
But Marshawn made it - he IS rich and it's because of the NFL. The NFL wants the big name players who 'made it' to help advertise the NFL by giving the media some time. I bet if they asked him about media clauses in his contract before he ever stepped foot on a pro football field - before he was sure he would make it big in the NFL - he smiled and said "no problem". Now he's a millionaire stud and wants to make his own rules. My guess is that ten years from now we'll be reading interviews with a broke Marshawn Lynch who now talks with the media.
$co++ Forre$+
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