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Old 02-05-2015, 01:57 PM
Posts: n/a

I had a lot of jobs in Alaska, I started out as a cannery worker on the "slime line" (don't ask), then went to bait sales/longshoreman, was a deckhand on a few boats, and finally as a diver for shipyards and pier construction companies. The worst pain of my life was without question, January 2003.

I was working on a crab boat during Opilio season. This was one of the last seasons of the Alaska crab "derby" fishery, which were only days, at most two weeks windows to catch what you can. Now, as shown on Deadliest Catch the boats have IFQ's, and months to drop pots in the water. It's much safer.

On the second day of Opi season I was hit by a swinging crab pot, imagine a Volkswagen being thrown at your chest. I later found out I had broken my collarbone, cracked a rib, but the worst and most obvious pain was a bruised coccyx when I was knocked on my a$$ to the deck.

We're on Bristol Bay, Alaska, at best, two days back to port or even a few lost hours to medevac me during the derby cost everyone money. Tough it out. In a calm January on the Bay waves average 8-12 feet. Ever ride a horse with a bruised tailbone for 24 hours let alone 10-14 days? Standing was uncomfortable, sitting was not an option, and laying down hurt everywhere.

It was the longest two weeks of my life, but we killed that season. The owner gave me a double share, and wrote a glowing letter of recommendation that got me into diving school. Not likely to ever forget that.
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