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Old 02-13-2015, 09:07 AM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
Belltown Vintage
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Originally Posted by batsballsbases View Post
It is a one sided story so far Ians Side. (and granted he my be completly right) BUT in my opinion its a bit premature to come and post up something like this and not have waited until there was a final outcome. I.E. police,bank,return of money etc. Its the old carrot in front of the donkey ,Here is the story But Im not going to tell you who it is until BLAH ,BLAH ,BLAH . Of course people waht to know who it is ,is just human nature. Difference with you is you know who it is! Makes it much easier when a select few have that information and not everyone. My feeling is Ian should have waited until there was a final outcome either positive or negative to post up something like this. Just my nickels worth!
Al, what you say makes perfect sense. I think some might be missing his motive for posting here: he is trying to arrive at a final outcome and thinks this will help, both in terms of gathering advice he hadn't thought of and getting the accused to step forward.

Some people post such things to sway opinion or to blow off steam. That isn't the case here.
$co++ Forre$+
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