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Old 02-22-2015, 02:45 PM
gopherfan gopherfan is offline
Rob Anderson
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 158

Kids are weaker now then before. I live in MN, and if it's too cold, they call off school. They did this last year when is was -2. You have to be kidding me. It used to be that kids helped out with chores on the farm, or around the house at least. They were more diverse. Now it is all specialization. Not many multi-sport athletes anymore. The basketball coach doesn't want you to play football because you might get injured. Pitch counts in baseball....IN THE MAJORS. I'm a Twins fan, and I don't remember the last time we had a pitcher throw more than 110 pitches. And they usually get pulled at 100. Not keeping score at games? Do you think that kids don't know if they were crushed? They might not remember the exact score, but they know if they were close or not.
I refer to most of this as the pussifying of America.

I need to stop now. My head is going to explode.
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