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Old 02-23-2015, 05:30 PM
dgo71 dgo71 is offline
Derek 0u3ll3tt3
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 1,244

Howser was around in Spring Training of 1987 so those cards signed, while still tough to find, aren't as rare as you'd expect.

Some of the tougher cards are the aforementioned Ricky Wright and Terry Forster, along with a few Latin guys who played very briefly after the set was issued. Juan Espino is tough, Al Pulido even tougher. Roy Lee Jackson is also hard to find as he was out of baseball when the card was issued and for a long time (maybe still) was unresponsive TTM.

Randy Myers was actually a very willing signer early in his career, which is good for 87T collectors as that was his rookie. He was flaky though, and would only sign current year cards, and dated them all with M/Y. In 1988 he started just signing the number for the month (4 for April for example), I guess because he figured the year was implied due to his self-imposed rules. When he was traded to the Reds, his policy became current year, current TEAM cards only. Now that he's retired, I've heard he signs all years of cards again, but still dates them. I believe at his last paid signing there were certain teams he would not sign. I think it was Orioles cards he wouldn't sign but I don't recall exactly. He is VERY infrequent with his appearances though (usually just FanFests) and does not sign TTM.

From the Traded set, Alan Wiggins is very difficult, as he was a tough in-person signer to begin with and died of AIDS in 1989. He was out of baseball and living a somewhat transient lifestyle by the time that card was issued.

Last edited by dgo71; 02-23-2015 at 05:34 PM.
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