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Old 03-07-2015, 04:08 AM
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Scott Garner Scott Garner is offline
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Originally Posted by djson1 View Post
This is a great story, Scott. I think that was pretty cool of Rod.
Another Angel that was a rocky request was Reggie. I remember hanging out after the games and he would get into one of his classic cars and yell at these little kids for getting too close to his car. He did sign for kids, but on those days, his signature was basically a horrible "RJ"...not worth even getting. I remember thinking what a jerk he was for yelling at the kids like that. I also remember one time an adult stuck his hand in front of Reggie to congratulate him on his homer that day and Reggie yelled at him saying "Don't stick your hand in my face! Can't you see I'm signing autographs!?". I never bothered to ask him for his autograph as I thought his attitude was so rude.
Thanks Jason! Yeah, that was definitely a nice gesture by Carew. At the time I was really pleasantly surprised.

During Reggie's era with the Angels, several friends and I sat out by the right field foul pole at Anaheim Stadium. We would talk to him over the railing a fair amount. Reggie did sign for me a few times through the years in various settings. All the sigs were his better, more complete autograph. With Reggie, as well as other players, I am certain that timing and approach are critical in terms of getting his autograph. Reggie was never rude or off-putting with me IP, but I was respectful and engaged him in dialogue other than just asking for his autograph before asking him to sign. Maybe the approach made the difference?

Last edited by Scott Garner; 03-07-2015 at 08:28 AM.
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