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Old 03-14-2015, 02:21 PM
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MattyC MattyC is offline
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CW-- that was really the primary kicker for me. Crazy as it sounds I was initially leaning against doing it, not wanting to expose the card to shipping and just preferring to leave it in the bank. But in talking with family and friends, I realized that were I in the vicinity, I would totally take my kids to this kind of thing-- it would be a chance for them to get into cards, baseball, its legends, and of course associate the '52 Mantle image the same way I did as a boy. I've given a few friends and cousins the card bug after decades off, and that was fun. So I thought, "That would be cool. That's something I'd really like to help perpetuate." Glad I did.

There's always talk among us hobbyists about those key moments when we were kids, and how those moments helped us look at certain cards certain ways-- all the way into adulthood, and there is always wondering whether kids today will have those same moments and make those same associations. I think an exhibit like this is precisely how that happens. Fathers take sons and daughters as another wrote above, and the kids see and hear about the card, and the cycle continues. That's the continuum of the hobby, the way at shows we see a kid, a teenager, a dude in his thirties, and dudes in their seventies and eighties all into cards. In the case of the 1952 Mantle, there are people now in their seventies who revere it and also guys in their twenties, which is so awesome.

Begsu-- thanks, brother, that is very humbling and deeply appreciated.

Last edited by MattyC; 03-14-2015 at 02:52 PM.
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