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Old 03-16-2015, 09:25 PM
vthobby vthobby is offline
Mike P.ap
Join Date: Oct 2011
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Default Rose...

Originally Posted by Bigdaddy View Post
As a lifelong Reds fan, he was one of my favorite players (along with J Bench). However, he broke the #1 rule in the game and the punishment for that is banishment for life. He agreed to that, lied about betting on the Reds to Roger Kahn in his book on Pete, and now wants in the Hall. Sorry Pete, you were a great player, and I'm glad you were on the Reds and not the Dodgers or Yankees, but the only way you get in is to buy a ticket, just like me.

It would be interesting to see what the voters would say if he was reinstated by the commish - all that does is put his name on the ballot. I have a feeling that he would not get the votes.
He may have to buy a ticket like you for now but he still has 4,256 more major league hits than me and you combined! He was a machine. I'm a Red Sox fan and I grew up loving Pete Rose and the way he played the game. He bled Red and was lightning in a bottle. He will be getting in the Hall for Free at some point in the next 5 years. Bank on it!

Peace, Mike
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