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Old 03-20-2015, 09:29 AM
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Originally Posted by swarmee View Post
The estimate when you mail is really only about deciding the value of the insurance you want to use to insure the cards through the mail; it isn't used any further.

You will still have to price all cards individually; nice thing is, once you've sent in a card, it will tell you what the cards on site are all priced at. So if you want to sell "fast", undercut those prices. If you can wait, price at the lowest. Some people will continually update their card prices to remain lowest on site, but you can just put all your cards on sale 20% off or wait for people to offer you a little less through their offer process.

The main reason for looking at sales information before mailing all the cards in, is sunk costs. If there are already 8 of that card on site, and only two have sold in 4 years of sales history, you probably don't want to send that card in. Cards from brand new releases will also go from one copy on site to 30+ in a couple of months when all the group breakers mail theirs in and have them processed. So the prices drop drastically after the cards have been on site two months, because there is so much more supply.

Putting 1990s-2000s inserts in COMC is probably a good idea, because of all the player collectors still looking for their guy.
Thank you this was very helpful information. Some of the cards are group break cards (just wanted to try it out recently) yet I can't find some of those on COMC (a couple Smoltz Auto Patches) so I figured those would be ok to send in. Yet most of the cards are early 2000, late 90s, inserts that I accumulated back when I was more into newer cards, yet at this point just don't feel like going through the boxes and scan each card and research prices and put out ebay listings so I thought COMC would be a good alternative.
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