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Old 04-30-2015, 10:22 PM
begsu1013 begsu1013 is offline
Bob Ev@ns
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Savannah, GA
Posts: 1,527

fisheyes, if significant can be considered another qualifier..(pd). I don't think the munson is bad enough to constitute a pd, but you just never know...

but check out the 61 berra. usually has fisheyes down in player name/position boxes. some get the pd, others don't. on the other hand, the entire run of frank thomas nnof were a result of a print defect, yet none of them are designated w. the pd.

long thread but def informative

the more you try and figure out psa's grading scale and better yet, verbage, to try and figure it out, the more you will scratch your head.

it really is the "who's on first" joke.

it all depends on the day and/or if you get the g.o.d. (grader of death)

he does exist. and you must keep the johnny cochran defense:

"if the grade does not fit, you must crack and resubmit"

bought this online a lil while ago...cracked it out and now resides in an 8.5 holder

Last edited by begsu1013; 04-30-2015 at 10:40 PM.
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