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Old 06-27-2015, 07:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Mountaineer1999 View Post
I don't think there is much doubt that he participated in throwing these games. He even took payment and testified to this.
Most of his stats were padded at irrelevant points in the games and in the Cicotte game when they were actually trying to win.
There is no evidence that he took payment.The grand jury record of his testimony shows no confession, that is a myth. He was aquitted and later successfully sued Comisky for back pay. 3 legal proceedings in each he claimed innocence. After they were banned, the 7 said that he wasn't part of the fix.

He padded his stats? He set a record for hits, 12, and had an OPS of almost 1.000. He had a truly remarkable series if he was able to do that while throwing games. There are many myths around the Black Sox story. The only thing we know about Jackson is he knew of the fix. That is enough to keep him banned from baseball and out of the hof.
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