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Old 08-04-2015, 05:39 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: South Dakota
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Originally Posted by Runscott View Post
Our gardening season got started early this year and I took advantage - normally we wouldn't have ripe tomatoes until August. I've already pulled several Japanese eggplants and yellow squash and hoping the collard greens work out.

Favorite tomato so far is the Black Krim with Mr. Stripey a close second.

Another good thing: we adopted a 1.5-2 yr old black and tan coonhound three months ago. He's a very lovable dog. He has some issues that I'm not solving very well, but he's about to go back to a professional trainer, so we are looking forward to a lovable AND manageable dog. As you have mentioned (Ben), rescues don't forget that they have been rescued, but I'll add that it's good to let the dog pick you out at the shelter - if you are paying attention, there will be at least one that informs you that you should be his new companion.
My last 3 shelter dogs picked me. We had a St Bernard for 13 years, a Rottweiler for 13 years, and our current Pitbull for close to 2 years now.

When getting our current dog I did not want a small dog(under 100 lbs) or a pitbull. Well now we have a 75 lb Pitbull named Bubba that sad puppy eyed me into adopting him and I am darn glad he did.
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