Thread: Introduction
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Old 08-09-2015, 10:42 AM
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Eddie S.
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Originally Posted by pokerplyr80 View Post
Thanks Leon, and thanks for the kind words on the Wagner. I do love that card.

And yea that sounds like an interesting book. He did seem to get pretty lucky in a lot of key pots. I don't remember exactly how the action went pre-flop in that hand with Ivey, but if I remember right it was 99 vs AQ and he probably called a re-raise preflop. I don't know how you fold 9s to a player you view as weak to a 3 bet. Obviously when the money went in on an AA9 board neither player was getting away from the hand. Ivey was probably 75-85% to win that one depending on if it went in on the flop or turn. But yea a terrible beat to go out in 10th like that. I think rather than driving to atlantic city I would have walked to the nearest bar and pounded a few beers.
The hand was AQ vs. 99. Ivey just called pre-flop; he didn't three-bet. Flop came QQ6 and Moneymaker bet his three queens. Ivey hit a full house with a 9 on the turn, only to lose to a bigger full house with the ace on the river.

I apologize for hijacking your introduction thread into a poker discussion, but I have wanted to bring up the topic ever since I first saw your name on here.
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