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Old 08-17-2015, 09:05 AM
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I'll admit I had to look these up, so I didn't actually know these prior to this thread, but I know 'em now. Cheating perhaps, but interesting nonetheless.

Ruth’s first major league hit was a double off the Yankees’ Leonard Cole at Fenway Park on Oct. 2, 1914 in a game he started and won.

Ruth lived for a time on the site of what is now Oriole Park at Camden Yards, above one of his father’s string of saloons.

(those first two were found on, while the next factoid came from, giving credit where it's due)

Ruth possessed underrated quickness on the base paths—he stole home 10 times in his career although he made the last out of the 1926 World Series attempting to swipe second base—but it couldn’t compare to the speed he displayed behind the wheel. Ruth’s litany of speeding tickets, traffic violations and automobile accidents was nearly as prolific as his 714 home runs. On June 8, 1921, Ruth was arrested in Manhattan for speeding—albeit at 26 miles per hour—for the second time in a month and sentenced to spend the rest of the day in jail. Released 45 minutes after the start of that day’s game, Ruth put on his Yankee uniform underneath his suit and sped off with a motorcycle escort in time to play for the Yankees.

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