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Old 09-11-2015, 01:41 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
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Originally Posted by DanP View Post
LOL, no problem

Funny story my friends and I are all NY Giants fans. I asked two of them (who are both rational and not extreme Patriots haters) what they thought about this. Both said "what is the big deal? They let some air out of a few footballs. Who cares?" which is pretty much what I've been saying. Then I asked my accountant who is also a Giants fan but hates the Patriots. He went nuts! Those cheaters.......". Well, I guess you get the point.

As I said earlier, the only people who seem to think this is a big deal are most likely Patriots or Brady haters or both. I'd prefer to start thinking about the new season and the big year I'm hoping from the Giants. If they deflate a few footballs on their way to another Super Bowl that's fine with me.

The Giants figured out what seems to escape most teams. The Pats can usually be beat regularly enough on deep passes.

Now, where do the Giants find these guys that catch so well? Both Superbowls turned on really great catches. And that catch last year was crazy.

Steve B
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