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Old 11-03-2015, 01:53 PM
Bruinsfan94 Bruinsfan94 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 223

With how much money these guys make, I'm not surprised they charge so much at shows. They know that kids are not going to be paying that. The only options they really have to avoid adult collectors taking advantage of them is to charge high amounts/not sign or sign so much that the autographs become worthless. Look how much mail a guy like Pat Neshek gets who will sign ANYTHING , imagine what Trout would get if he tried the same. As long as they sign for kids in person at games/ in public I have no problem with it. Hamilton used to sign all his mail and send it around the holiday season, not sure if he still does. Kershaw is as classy as they come. Bobby Doerr is the best. I honeslty think that (even though the old joke is about Bob Feller) that Doerr has increased the value of some of his unsigned cards by signing so much. Lots of guys still sign through the mail. I worked in a clubhouse in the independent leagues and I saw guys signing mail all the time. They all seemed to feel they owed it to the fans who watched them when they were playing in the bigs.
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