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Old 12-29-2015, 07:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Rookiemonster View Post
There is a video of the guy who sells HGH saying all the people he has sold to . It is a fact that it was sent to his wife in numerous locations that he and the guyer institute will not deny . The guyer institute was where the HGH was coming from and Manning was going for treatment . Didn't A -roid get suspended for just having his name in the books at a place that did PED stuff . To think manning didn't seems a bit odd to me . A old QB with severe neck problems that are so severe that he needs 4 surgerys . the franchise that he was the face of lets him go .

There's not really anything on Clemens in fact he was found innocent

Man you're right. I didn't know now that in this country we find people guilty because someone said something on a video tape. Then after the thing is released the guy back tracks on everything and turns out the guy wasn't even a employee at that clinic when manning went there for treatment. Also how do we know that Mannings wife didn't need HGH for a medical condition??? Plus HGH wast banned in the NFL till july of 2011.
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