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Old 01-07-2016, 06:43 AM
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Tom Boblitt
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 2,019

I think Manning's a first ballot Hall of Famer for sure. BUT.....when I heard him talking about the situation and he said that maybe his wife had a different regiment than he did, it sounded kind of fishy. It was an odd statement......

The thing that gets me most is that NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, ESPN, etc would all be considered much better news sources for such a story, so why didn't he go to them? If he wanted the story to be taken seriously, I would have thought he'd use what would be perceived as a more reliable source--whether that's really the case or not, the perception in the USA of Al Jazeera is not like a Pulitzer factory or anything...........
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