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Old 02-04-2016, 05:53 PM
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WindyCityGameUsed WindyCityGameUsed is offline
"The Real" Ron Kosiewicz
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 57

I for one would like to thank Leon for having the courage to keep this thread open.

I would imagine its not easy to stand TALL and not cave against the not so unwritten code of silence that these AH scoundrels pressure others into doing if they even think of breaking ranks.

When an auction house such as Goldin can take control over a supposed collectors site for the explicit purpose of self promotion and silencing critics all hobbyists should wonder why and have concern as members of GUU & GUC are finding out.

Its apparent that collusion is alive and well with all participants bottom line benefiting economically.

The lights have gone on again in the industry and rest assured the roaches are scurrying around looking for cover back in the darkness and I for one choose the light of day.

Ron Kosiewicz

Last edited by WindyCityGameUsed; 02-04-2016 at 09:36 PM.