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Old 02-11-2016, 05:57 PM
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whitehse whitehse is offline
And.rew Whi.te
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Southern Wisconsin/Northern Illinois
Posts: 1,390

Shill bidding
TPG re-submits for bumps
Creased card "adjustments"
well trusted people in the hobby now going to jail
and on and on

I have been in this hobby for 40+ years as a collector, dealer, card shop owner and now back to a collector. It is at the point where one cannot go to any message boards to talk about the great things this hobby has to offer without seeing hobby dirty laundry being aired out and collectors who I hold in high esteem being reduced to finger pointers and naysayers.

I, for one am done. Not done with collecting but done with reading whine and bitch-fest posts. I think it is time to just get back to enjoying the joys this hobby has to offer and leave this other crap behind. Life can suck and our hobbies are supposed to be an escape from the big plate of crap life dishes up. I cannot let this negative garbage ruin something that has brought me such joy over the years. Granted, I have not lost piles of money like others with these hobby schemes that have popped up but I never allowed myself to get to that point either. For me, its back to enjoying this hobby and the fun it has to offer and try to leave this negativity behind. Hopefully we can all get beyond this garbage and get back to why we are really here.