Thread: Pwcc
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Old 04-05-2016, 05:30 PM
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Originally Posted by begsu1013 View Post
think this is an unfair statement. doubt very seriously brent is cheating.

are there people who consign w/ pwcc and bid up their own product, sure. hard to stop that as it doesn't really take a rocket scientist to figure out how to do that.

but to insist that brent has something to do w/ it and w/ zero proof to back it up, i think is completely unfair.

now before you throw out the "turning a blind eye" argument, again...ya need proof. I've only asked him to check into 2 auctions that I was serious on and got back to me w/I an hour. you'd be surprised at the amount of people that only need a few items and would only use ebay for a small fraction to fill these holes, so their bid history of 50%+ seems suspicious.

retractions? different story, but I know he booted 2 folks last auction for the number of retractions they had.

without any evidence we can speculate all day long and on every topic.

not defending him, but unless there is absolute certainty or an ebay list surfaces similar to the maestro one, it's hard to call him a "cheat", imo.

flame on.
Pretty good job of defending him...without defending him
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